Saturday, January 9, 2010

One last update

Today is the day, the revealing of the "GOD FIRE" myth.The reception starts at 18 H.
There will be some drinks and snacks. So I hope you conquer the snow and come enjoy the work we did.

The word "halo" originated from a Greek word that simply meant the sun, or the sun's disk.

The pre-Christian Romans named their sun-god Helios and eventually began using the halo in their art, including of their "divine" emperors. When the Romans created their false version of Christianity, they carried over their use of the halo into supposedly Christian images whereby people eventually lost sight of what they were actually looking at.

The upward pointing triangle is the alchemical symbol for fire. One of the four alchemical elements, Fire has the properties hot and dry, and symbolizes emotions. In alchemical tradition, the elemental spirits of fire are Salamanders. The symbol is derived from the medieval magical Seal of Solomon.

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